Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Do Female Teacher Sex Offenders Recieve Less Penalties?

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New Member
Maybe someone can shed some light and opinion on this subject...I've noticed that in some cases when it comes down to gender, there seems to be somewhat of a disparity between the sentencing penalties a female offender may receive...This has become more evident in cases related to female sex offenders...With all the attention the media gives female teacher sex offenders its almost, in my opinion, as if they are viewed more as "sexy, scarletts", rather than condemned "Predators" - as male sex offenders are typically labeled...

I came across a teacher sex offender list that highlights each of their cases and penalties received...These teacher sleeping with student cases are actually more common than i had originally thought.

Does anyone else have an opinion on these cases or if agree/disagree that there does seem to be some sort of imbalance in the justice system when it comes to female sex offenders?
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