Corporate Law Dissolution, Interim Financial Director

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New Member
Almost all of the members of my non-profit have passed away, including the directors. I (a non-voting member and wife of a previous director) continue to receive mail regarding fulfilling the obligations of the corporation. Can I be appointed as an interim financial director of the corporation until most of these obligations are satisfied and it can then be dissoved? By what method can I do so, as the bylaws do not have a "total disaster" clause.
Almost all of the members of my non-profit have passed away, including the directors. I (a non-voting member and wife of a previous director) continue to receive mail regarding fulfilling the obligations of the corporation. Can I be appointed as an interim financial director of the corporation until most of these obligations are satisfied and it can then be dissoved? By what method can I do so, as the bylaws do not have a "total disaster" clause.

If you have no directors, (I presume you no longer have a quorum for your board), so who will appoint you?

As a non-voting member, you'd be wise to stay as far away from this sinking ship as you can.

Involving yourself with this quagmire could get you entangled in things you might not want to know a thing about!

But, if you insist on persisting, I suggest you speak with the entity's counsel.

If none exists, I'd advise you to discuss all concerns with your attorney.
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