Display videos . . . can this lead to trouble.

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New Member
Hi there,

I'm currently in development of a site that uses an automated process (RSS) to grab and display videos from the top 5 video sites (like YouTube). There are several categories which show the most updated videos for each category. (i.e. featured, most viewed, top rated etc.)

Each page would display about 50 videos in total.

Currently not done, but in development, would be the ability to decide weather to directly visit the site or play the video through an embedded player.

My concern:

Will this open me up to legal action because users of these sites display copyrighted videos. Since this process is automated it is not like I can delete a video. I can do things to alter the result.

The pages are updated every hour.

Obviously the main responsibility would lie with the user, but would my site incur penalties because it was displaying the content.

1) Would I run into some problem doing this?
2) If so what should I change?
3) I think I need to add a disclaimer. What should it contain?
4) Would generating income from this site (i.e. using adsense or placing links) make me get sued by either the video sites or owners?

I appreciate your time. I can show you a demo of the site but since it's in development ATM I don't want to place it in a public forum.


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