Discrimination against person with MRSA

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New Member
Is there any legal recourse for a person that was kicked out of a public establishment because they were diagnosed with MRSA? I'm sorry this is so long, but I wanted to give you all the facts.

My mother was kicked our of the bingo establishment, where she had been going for years, when one of the other players told the "manager on duty" that she had contracted MRSA during a two week stay in the hospital for a lung infection. Although my mother was already taking oral antibiotics (Bactrim) that the doctor prescribed for the staff infection, she was frightened into thinking that she shouldn't be out in public because she could infect others, and she could die without a PICC-Line for intravenous antibiotics. My mom is in poor health, and she is on oxygen all the time. She has bronchiectasis and had to have one lung removed when she was young. She also has arrhythmia and congenital heart failure. After the manager told his this stuff, my mom told the manager that she would not even have left the house if she knew that MRSA was so serious and contagious. Also, she didn't understand why, if the doctor thought that MRSA was such a serious condition, why didn't he put her back in the hospital, or at least tell her to stay in doors and in bed. She was totally embarrassed and frightened by what was said; so, when she got home that afternoon, she called her doctor. The doctor reassured her that she was going to be fine. He also told her that MRSA is contagious, but that she was not putting anyone at risk by going out in public because she had already been taking the antibiotic over 5 days. At any rate, my mom waited until the medication was done, and after a few weeks had passed, she finally got enough nerve to go back to the bingo hall. She played bingo several times over the next several weeks. Then, the day finally came when she saw that the "manager on duty" was the same manager that had told her to leave before. What happened next was completely unexpected. My mom is very sweet and good natured, so she wanted to tell the manager what the doctor said when she called him that afternoon, and she wanted to tell her that she had no hard feelings. I was with my mom on this particular day, and witnessed this myself. Instead, of allowing my mother to speak, the manager immediately became defensive. She starting saying that she had no choice but to make her leave that day because she had to protect the other players. My mom tried to interrupt to tell her what the doctor said, but she kept talking over her. Then, the manager preceded to say that my mom already told her what the doctor said. She insisted that my mom spoke to the doctor just before she kicked her out. My mom asked her what she was talking about, because she didn't speak to the doctor until she got home. The manager began to get louder and said, "you, and that man that was with you told me that you had just got off the phone with the doctor and he told you that you had MRSA. I tried to calm the manager down by telling her that mom was already on the antibiotic days before she came to bingo that day and that she did not speak to the doctor until she got home. The manager told me, very loudly, to shut up because I wasn't even there that day. My mom again tried to tell her what really happened, but she got even louder and said, so that everyone in the room could hear, "You told me that you had MRSA and I called my boss and he told me to through you out. I am the manager here and I have to protect all the other players in here". There were some other words, but it was obvious she did not care what my mother was trying to say. My mom told her, "just forget it, but you are wrong"! After a little more yelling, and telling lies, the manager turned and walked away. As she was leaving, my mom said, "Yeah, you probably hope I die, too". As soon as the manage walked out the door, a lady sitting 2 tables in front of us turned around and started yelling, "You better not say you hope my daughter dies. That is my daughter and you don't say you hope she dies." Then, she jumps up on the table between us, all the time yelling, "You don't say you hope my daughter dies, you don't say you hope my daughter dies". When she gets across the table, she picks up a chair and moves toward my mom. I said to her, "ARE YOU CRAZY"? Then, she put the chair down and leaned over the table in my mom's face still yelling about her daughter. I stuck my head between her face and my mom's and told her that that was not what my mom said. My mother doesn't wish anybody dead. About this time, the manager came back in along with 3 other workers and got to the mother and told her to sit down. Then, the manager starting yelling at my mom saying, "You better not start getting my mother rivaled up or there really will be problems". I spoke up and said, "no one said anything to your mother, she's the one that attacked my mother". This went on for about 2 or 3 more minutes. Of course, one of the other employees had to put their two cents in by saying, "you have to understand, that is her mother" And, I said, "No, you have to understand, this is my mother, too. No one said anything to her mother, she just attacked my mother with physical violence". I said, "why don't we just get back to playing bingo"? The manager then jumped in and said, "You two better just sit there and keep your mouths shut". A few more words were said, but basically, everyone walked away and the game continued. My mom was very shaken up, and we were both embarrassed and humiliated, but we stayed and finished the game. Afterwards, my mom and I spoke about what happened. We still don't understand why this got so out of hand, or why the manager was so defensive and turned this into such a big ordeal. You always think of things that you could have or should have said or done, but needless to say, we won't be going back there again.
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