Consumer Law, Warranties Discontinuation Of Slimming Package

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Hi! I am living in Singapore and had sighed up for 3 courses of slimming package at London Weight Management at a particular outlet. However, a few months later they were relocated to another location. Prior this, there was no formal notice, either by phonecall or mail, informing me on their relocation. Apparently, I was furious as I chose that location out of convenience. I called them and told them I was very dis-satisfied with their lack of service. I demanded an explanation and was subsequently passed on to several consultants. Requested them to get someone of higher authority to call me but finally only spoke to a consultant. I demanded a refund of my unutilised sessions and requested for a final statement. I was then told that their organisation will only refund in products. I then told them I have no use of their products and wanted cash refund. This happened in early Sept and till now, I have yet to get a formal reply. Base on this, will I be able to win the case if I take lagel action against them?
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Hi! I am living in Singapore
You should seek counsel of a Singapore lawyer

This is a site primarily for US laws and so far I have not seen
anyone on here that is versed in Singaporean law
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