Disclamier and license issue.

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New Member

I am from Bahrain.

I have created a project and I have created it for selling purposes.
I found my self to create a disclaimer by getting guide from internet. Actually I am able to create disclaimer to disclaim any liability or etc whoever buys my project. My question is for creating a disclaimer is it compulsory to get a disclaimer from Attorney or can I create it by my self?

For license issue. I am publishing my project on dvd. It will fine to put a note with disclaimer and copyright note that this single dvd is licensed for single user only, For multi user license ask the publishers for permission.
Looking forward.
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You don't have to have a disclaimer - it is for your protection. There may be restrictions on what you can disclaim and some standard disclaimers might not provide you with insulation from all the possible liability.

The licensing issue - what you write is unclear. What does "single user" mean? One machine? One user but he can install the program on 10 machines, etc.

If you aren't familiar with licensing and disclaimers, your best bet might be going to an attorney and just getting it done properly the first time.
License agreement.

I have created license agreement for my training videos.. I read several license agreement then created this one. Following is the agree... I just want to confirm that everything is fine with this agreement.

The product is copyright© 2009, All rights reserved. You may not assign, copy, distribute, loan, lease, market, modify, publish, rent, reproduce, sell, sublicense or transmit the product as a whole or the parts of the product.

The product by default grants a nonexclusive, nontransferable single user license only, solely for single user's personal use. The use of the product is limited to single user's personal computers (not more than 3) only.

The product is provided to you on an "as is" basis with all faults, inaccuracies, errors and ommission. The entire risk of loss in using the product is assumed by you. I do not warrant, guarantee or represent the use of or results of use of the product in terms of completeness, accuracy, meeting your expectations or otherwise. I am not liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages including but not limited to lost of profits, lost of savings, loss of business, loss of goodwill or damages resulting from lost data or inability to use data. You receive no warranty, whether express or implied, and all warranties of merchantability, title and fitness for any particular purpose are expressly excluded. I hereby disclaim all warranties with regard to the product and do not assume any liability for any damages arising out of the use of the product.

Lookin forward..
This is just a short license and disclaimer. It is just one part of a number of different variables that are of issue with a training video. What you have is a very short licensing section and then a disclaimer - if you look at other licenses there are usually many other clauses and for good reason. Everything depends upon what you want the relationship to be.
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