Burglary, Arson, Home Invasion Diabetic accused of felonies, has new questions.

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Hello again internet legal advisors.

Just thought I would drop by and see what you folks might have to say about my case so far. I'm the guy who blacked out from a low blood sugar and flooded the neighbors house. Still being charged with 2 felonies burglary/destruction of property. I'll spare you the whole story again but it's still on this site (help for diabetic accused of a crime).

So, my doctor is with me on this and told me things like, that can happen with low blood sugar!!! So I thought great, this should help. Well I did what my public defender asked and signed a release of my med. info to her office. The doctor also said he would give a deposition but if the defender wanted to speak with him she would have to call the clinics legal dep. first. So I called her office right away and left these numbers with their secretary. It seems as though she really isn't all that interested in helping me out. I called every day for a week and never did she answer her phone. I felt urgent about getting something done as my next appearence is on monday the 24 feb. Plea/sentance!!! So then she finally called me @ 6:30 pm friday night!!! Saying I was sapposed to get a letter from the doctor. She never said anything about that before, just that she should speak with him.

Anyway the doctor is more interested in helping me to get my diabetes back under control. He told me however that no insulin dependent diabetic can ever be 100% sure that they will not at some time have low blood sugar episodes. I am working very hard to keep track of every gram of carbohydrate that I eat and calling in my blood sugar readings to the clinic every week. This is costing a lot of money and effort. My public defender however seems quite ignorant about the whole thing and just doesn't seem to get that.

I'm not trying to get out of anything here. I understand that I did do these things but I'm not guilty of felonies!!!! I had an accident.

I asked the defender if she thought a jury might understand this. That I must keep track of so much and that if i make a miscalculation (rarely) that i might black out from time to time. It makes me very afraid!!! She said no way.

Can I defend myself? Can i tell my story to a jury by myself? I think i might be able to appeal to their humanity.

If I become a felon over this it will only serve to make it harder for me to deal with this disease. They will make it almost impossible to get a good job with health benies. They will make it impossible to pay any restitution to the victim. Isn't that cruel and unusual?

What might I say to the judge that might help?

Can I dump this lawyer? I called the American diabetes assosiation last night and was told there are nonprofit lawyers that help people with disabilities. Can I get one of them do you think?

Should I start calling the newspapers and tv news about this. They are pressing these charges based on ignorance of how this disease acts on a persons life!!! Do you think that might help? Do you think they might reduce the charges in order to not appear ignorant about this disease?

Any advice on this matter will be of great value to me.

Thank you, xrishansen.
If you don't like your current lawyer, hire a new one.
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