Depositions need help

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New Member
I had a judgment placed against me for a car accident in which i had no insurance. No fault but my license was also suspended at the time as well. the insurance company couldn't find me so they got the judgment and revoked my license until i make payment arrangements. Now i was served a SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM IN AID OF EXECUTION. Ordering me to appear at a law office to give depositions and bring basically all information pertaining to my financial status ,Income tax returns,pay stubs, bank statements,any papers pertaining to any property i own etc. I have not worked for the last couple of years and just started a new job this month. I don't own anything i am essentially broke with a lot of unpaid bills. What is this deposition about? Could it be anything about them trying to garnish my wages? And if so what do i do? I cant afford anything at the moment i am just now trying to get back on my feet. I have been ill for the past couple of years. what do i do?
The critical issues are whether you were at fault in the accident and whether you were properly served with the original summons. If the answer to both questions is "no", then file a motion with the court to have the judgment set aside for lack of service and also a motion to quash the summons.

If the answer to either question is "yes", then you have to comply with the summons.
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