Debtor communication requirements to Creditor

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New Member
Is a debtor required to communicate with a creditor on a weekly basis because the creditor requests it? And how much information is a debtor required to disclose to a creditor?

For example: I am in the process of selling my home to pay off debt. There are a couple of creditors, but one in particular, that requires I maintain contact with them on a weekly basis, even when I have no new information to provide. I have complied, but asked that all corrospondence be via e-mail, so that both parties have documentation. The bank agreed for awhile, but then began calling & refusing to answer my questions via e-mail.

They have insisted on a number of things, including having me walk to the bank (as I have no means of transportation due to the severity of my debt) to meet with them over a 'loan proposal' which they refused to send to me in writing. The proposal turned out to be a request that I 'secure' my debt with them on the equity in my home.

I have repeatedly told them they are making the situation worse for me, and said that I would communicate with them when there was some level of progress - but weekly updates on the sale of my home (which does not happen that fast, and is a stressful event) are not of value. Without any reason they continue the weekly questioning. They ask me very detailed questions about the status of my primary mortgage, how much my home is listed for, if I have received any offers, if I have lowered my asking price, etc.

I do not want to communicate with them at all. They are dishonest and manipulative.

What are my communication obligations?

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