Dealing with Aftermath of a Breakup...

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New Member
I have an X-girlfriend that I lent $1500 to bail her out of jail, but has not repaid me. She ended up going to Jail anyways for the last 49 days. We have a dog that we bought, I paid $180 cash and she wrote a check for $270 that bounced to the breeder. She is now been bailed out a 2nd time by her family.

Now that she is out she wants to pick up the dog, and I dont want to let her have it until I have been repaid. (To be honest I love the dog and would like to keep him) Do I have any legal ramifications to keep the dog until my money is repaid? Can I do anything legally to keep the dog?

My whole family nieces and nephew included are attached to the dog. I think her name is on all of the ownership paperwork if there is any... She said that she will write up a legal contract for monthly repayments to me as her sister is close to becoming a lawyer. However, if she goes back to jail there is no way she will have money to pay me and considering her history she probably won't pay anyway. Is there anything else I can do to get my money? How should I proceed to get my money?

We also had lived in a place for almost a month that she said she could afford (she stated she would pay rent) We were soon evicted after the landlord never received rent or deposit from her, but unfortunately both of our names are on the rental agreement so I assume he will be loking for his $1800.

P.S. She has written numerous fraudulent checks from closed accounts, and has a history of not showing up to court dates etc...

How should I proceed to handle all of this???

She doesnt have any money, just got out of jail and needs to try to find a job. She has to pay some restitution as well, so she says she wont be able to start paying me until July. She owes me $1500, and says in July she can probably make $200 payments.

Sorry for such a long read
Advice would be greatly appreciated...
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