Dealers fraud



New Mexico
Well first off I would like to know how dealers can get away with keeping your down payment and keep your trade in plus pay it off and tell me we fraud the application when clearly they filled out the loan docs and submitted them to the lender then had the audacity to ask us to come in and sign a new loan approval
Well first off I would like to know how dealers can get away with keeping your down payment and keep your trade in plus pay it off and tell me we fraud the application when clearly they filled out the loan docs and submitted them to the lender then had the audacity to ask us to come in and sign a new loan approval

No one can tell you how anyone may have scammed, conned, snookered, or bambooz;ed you.

I suggest you read EVERY document you signed, and/or completed at that dealership.

Somewhere, buried among the thousands of words, you'll find your answer.

Look very closely, as it has been my experience some of the SLICKSTERS use very small print.

Nonetheless, you'll come to the sad conclusion, as devious as it may have been, it was 100% legal.

If, after doing as I suggested (or you just flat out don't care), you can short circuit all of that and simply file a complaint with this state agency that regulates car dealers:

Consumer Complaint Instructions

At least filing such a complaint will make you feel that someone is listening to your concerns.
After all, isn't that why you elect government officials?