Crazy Neighbors

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New Member
Our neighbors are crazy. they are constently calling the cops because our dogs are "barking". even though our dogs do not bark obsessively we have tried to keep peace and have done several things to try and resolve the confict. we have bought shock collars and put them on the dogs to teach them not to bark. we even lock them up around ten o clock every night so they will go to sleep and not bark. We have taken several pictures of why the dogs bark when they do and it's always because either a possum or cat is sitting on our fence top. they call the cops several times a week and we are issued citations but on the citations the cops note that our dogs are not barking and now we have to go to court because of it. None of our other neighbors have ever complained about the dogs and they all refused to sign a petition that the crazy couple was trying to start. Recently the neighbors have yelled at my fourteen year old little sister around ten o clock at night. they gang up on her and yell as she is putting the dogs up. Once they even were waiting for her to go outside and imediately started harrassing her. she is a sensitive girl and now she is scared to go into our own backyard or frontyard by herself. We called the cops on them for harrassing my sister but they told us it's not against the law to yell at a minor. this situation is getting way out of hand and we don't know what to do.
I'm not a lawyer, but my sister has gone through the same problem with her dogs & family. My sister even caught the neighbor hanging over the fence, taunting the dogs, while recording their barking on tape. It was ridiculous & cost a lot of heartache. Unfortunately, it seems that the complainers have all the rights where pets are concerned.

As far as harassing the minor, that is a completely different situation all together. There is no reason for that. Are they adults teasing her? You may want to try and set up a talk between the adults of the two households and see if there is something that you can work out. If not, I would suggest getting their harassment on tape for the authorities. I don't know what your state laws are, but there are some harassment laws that you can look into.
What ever came of this? We are in a similar situation and don't know what to expect!

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

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