Criminal Records, Expungement Conviction Expunged

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In 1990 I was convicted of a felony in California. In 1994 my conviction was set aside and expunged to a misdemeanor. I am currently seeking employment with a law enforcement agency in California and the application asks if you have been convicted of a felony what do I say and if by saying yes can they automaticaly disqualify me?
If you were convicted then yes. Explain your case and hope for the best. If you lie, then you will get caught then you have zero chance for the job. Good luck.
You can sometimes lawfully say you have never been convicted of a felony (penal code section 17 (b) 3 states it reduced to a misdemeanor "for all purposes." This is not legal advice but believe this has been interpreted to include your situation. Once your record is expunged you can legally answer "No" to direct questions of whether you were convicted of a crime. However, there are 3 exceptions: and the primary one that concerns you is you cannot say "no" in an application for peace officer or public office. Hence, in California you'll have to check the right box and you've got some explaining to do as Ricky used to tell Lucy.
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