Consumer Law, Warranties Contract from Hell

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New Member
Awhile ago, I put my apartment up on Craigslist, stating that I was interested in transferring my lease to a new tenant. A person (Eric) agreed, and showed up and filled out the forms. He was rejected due to bad credit, but he asked if he could stay the night and have a set of keys, as he was living in a nearby hote, while we worked to get his Dad put on as a co-signer. Because I'm an idiot, I said yes.

Of course this went badly. He made a supreme nuisance of himself, and I ended up sleeping at the neighbor's. He also duped me into signing a handwritten (by his hand) contract stating that I'd be letting him have the furniture (I had said anyone who took over the apartment was welcome to it) and that I would find other living arrangements until the end of the month. I was so desperate to get him to stop harassing me that I signed the contract, hoping it would all be over as soon as his Father's co-signing went through.

Unfortunately, his father's co-signing did NOT go through, and they stated that he cannot, under any circumstances, take over the apartment. I insisted that he leave immediately, but he said that the contract he browbeat me into signing entitled him to stay. I called the cops to try and get them to drag him out, but they said that since I signed a contract, it was a civil issue, and that they would not get involved.

Of course the month ends tomorrow, and the nuisance claims he will be out by 3 PM, and I've even gotten his father to apply pressure, but I need a plan B and good legal advise. I need to know: can I get the cops to throw him out tomorrow? Does this handwritten contract really hold such strength over me in the State of California? (I am from Wisconsin) Is there even any legal precedent for him to stay there, considering that he is nowhere on the lease and the one person who is on the lease (myself) want him out?

My landlord insists that it is my responsibility to get him out. I am currently living in a hotel, and as the utilities have been cut off in the apartment, I am at a loss as to why he is staying, and I am concerned he will vandalize the place so that I get footed with the bill. Any help at all would be appreciated, please let me know about this ASAP.
You will have to evict him under your state's landlord-tenant law.
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