Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Contibuting to the delinquency of a minor! HELP!

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I really need help as I have no idea what to do.
I am a 23 yr old male that has a proffessional job as a webmaster as a govt contractor. I have a 100% clean record (not even a traffic violation), but recently I had a run-in with the law.

I had a freinds sister call me up and ask if I could take her to school. She had missed her bus. I said ok, and picked her up. After I picked her up she told me she didn't want to go to school and is going to meet up with some other freinds. She wanted to know if she could stay at my house. I said yes, but not inside. So she hung around until her freinds finally showed up and then I went off to go swimming and play raquetball, with the assumption that they were going to leave like she told me. When I was finnaly getting back from my activitives, there were cops all around my apt. Turns out that they went back into my house and were hanging out. No drugs, alchohol, or sex were involved.
My fiancee was home (shes 18) and was working in the office with the door closed and her headphones on (shes a artist and does computer art) so she did not know they were in my house either.
Well, the cops FORCED me to admit that the underange (and truant) girl that was over (the others were not truant) had come into my, or he would arrest my fiancee on the spot for contributing. When I finally said yes she came in my house, he then imediantly wrote up a Notice to Appear for both me AND my fiancee.
At no point did I LET ANY of the minors in my house, although one did go inside for a drink, but I kicked her back out when I saw her inside...

I know I was never read my rights, yet the police officer forced me to answer questions. I know my fiancee had no idea there was anyone in our house, yet she is being charged as well. I know that they have two minors (truant) written on the Notice to Appear, and there was only one. And finally I know that I expressly did not consent to her being in my home.
What can I do!?!?
I'm assuming that you have an attorney assigned or hired to handle your case. This sounds a lot more serious than is handled by general discussion. It also sounds more like a potential lawsuit in addition to your defense.

Regarding your issue, it would seem that there might be a potential violated of your Miranda rights. Other questions to ask - did you ask for a lawyer at any time? Were you refused? Were you not allowed to leave the premises until you answered the questions? The confession sounds like it could have been coerced and thus not admissible. These are things that your counsel should recognize and much more.

Not sure what I should do.
My main problem is that I am a relativaly poor young adult. I make ok money, and survive well, but I don't know if I have the finacial backing to hold up a lawsuit. If so than perhaps I should follow after it.

I was not allowed to move until I told the officer what he wanted to hear. And to get what he wanted to hear he threatened to take my fiancee to jail. Even when I said, "Fine, she was in my house, is that what you wanted to hear?" he seemed to be completely fine with that and wrote both me and her up a Citation for contributing.
According to my fiancee he was ALOT more rude before I got there. Asking her questions like, "What does your fiancee think about your house being such a filthy mess?" and my house is NOT dirty.. "You are a adult, its your job to take care of any minors in your house" then turning right around and saying, "I can understand why this happened to you, your nothing but a stupid LEGAL adult, just a dumb kid yourself." He continually told me to my face that I was lying.
There has GOT to be something I can at least do about that. How many young adults has he FORCED into being charged with something they are innocent of?

Yes, I let an underage truant girl stay in the front of my house. She would stay somewhere else I guess if I said no, like maybe some house with drugs, or at a boyfreinds house getting pregnate.. thats not an excuse to let her stay at mine, but at least she was in a nice neighborhood, safe. She never once came in my house with my permission. HOW CAN THAT BE CONTRIBUTING? The officer seemed to think that if shes in your house, WITH OR WITHOUT YOU KNOWLEDGE, your still contributing. Is that true? Can it be THAT easy to have someone framed? Can I just walk into someones house and fall down and sue them?

I think the biggest thing that bothers me, is that this is a Class A Missdomeaner, that can carry a penalty of up to 1 yr in prison, and or $1000 fine. Thats SCARRY!! I can handle a $1000 fine, (kinda) but a year in prison would RUIN my life. I would lose my job, my apt, all my stuff, EVERYTHING!!! And since my fiancee would get a year too, noone would be there to get my stuff! Obviously this has me frightend.
The Police officer that "busted" me told me that I should not see a lawyer, just go to court and pleade guilty. He said at worst the judge would just slap my hand or give me a small fine ($50-$100). He also said that this would NOT go on my record being that no arrest was made. Now EVERYONE else I talk to says that ANY citation will go on your record, and in my business (webmaster for the govt.. getting clearance access) a Class A on my record would SERIOUSLY jepordise my job.
I DO have a lawyer I am going to see Monday. Should I stick with him, or should I getone of those rotten crooked don't pay until we win your case guys? I really am in the dark about anything of this being I have never even got a traffic violation. My record makes me look like I was born yesterday. I have never even been PULLED OVER for crying out load!
Man, really sorry to hear about that harrowing experience. Mkaes me kind of mad! :mad: While I don't believe in doing this unless it is justified, it seems to be the case here. You should go see an attorney or get a reference (maybe the admin can refer you) to an attorney who handles rights violations. They may even take your case on a contingency fee since you may receive monetary compensation for the abuse it seems you suffered. You won't need to put up the money and it seems like you may have a lot of evidence that would probably get the city to settle a case like yours. The press is also a great resource. What state are you from?

I am from Jacksonville, Fl
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