Conjoins and Legal Personality

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New Member
Tom, Tim and Ted are conjoined twins, each with their own heart, brain, lungs, arms and legs and other vital organs. They are joined at the neck. With complex surgical procedure, they can be separated successfully. However, the operation will kill the weaker twins, Tim and Ted, because their lungs and hearts are too deficient to oxygenate and pump blood through their bodies. Had Tim and Ted been born alone, they would not have been viable and they would have died shortly after brith. They are alive only because a common artery enables, Tom, who is the strongest of the three, to circultae life sustaining oxygenated blood for all of them. Separation will require the clamping and then severing of that common artery. Within minutes of so doing Tim and Ted will die.

Do such conjoins have legal personality in any law with reference to other such cases and authorities?
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