condo association harassment neigbor harassment HELP!

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New Member
I purchased a condo last year in a large complex. A month after purchasing we began experiencing harassment by a neighbor. First it was when we tried to put an endcap on our fence, she came out screaming we had cut her cable, even though this was impossible, we had diggers hotline come out and flag the cable and other utilities which went on the other side of where we were digging. 2 days later she had a "bill" on our door for 1 day lost wages for missing work to have her cable re-connected. We know she doesnt have a leg to stand on here, we have proof we did not do what she alledges. Since then it has been constant harassment. We continuously get warning letters from the condo association based on calls from this neighbor. (she seems to call to complain about something almost daily. They are not only false, they are also complaints that are not violations of the bylaws.
Such as, one state we were parking too close to the curb even though we were well within our parking space, another was we were not cleaning up the dog feces in our own backyard (even though we are) while the bylaws state it only applies on "common ground" we got a letter for that also, a third states that we are "pounding on the common wall" this is ridiculous, we are extrememly quiet. Essentially it is all crap! My husband joined the condo board and found out the president of the assocation went to high school with this woman (she stated this herself) and when my husband quoted the bylaws, she stated "bylaws schmylaws" at a meeting. We also have a management company who is well aware of this womans history and that these complaints are not legitimate. This is becoming extremely harassing. All of these complaints wind up in our file. When this was brought up to the manager he stated we shouldnt worry about it as were not getting fined. I am worried about it, I feel that these letters are just fueling her fire and we are being harassed for no reason. None of these allegations are proven as they are false, and in addition to that, they are not real violations to begin with. We have called the police who suggessted that a letter be drafted to her by the association attorney, when we suggested this the board would have none of it. This needs to stop, although we could take a loss if we move now, we almost feel we have no choice and we are being forced out by the actions of this woman and the condo asscociation. We cannot even live a normal life here, last Saturday at noon, we had some "very quiet" meditation music on (it was on a level 4 which is barely audible) our door was open and she came over and started screaming about the music, you could hardly hear it. We also have heard that she is telling everyone we are witches and practicing "black magic" on her (we are wiccan and have a pentacle on our car) This is religous harassment, which the condo association has heard of as well. What can we do short of heading for the hills?

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