Compensation question..for auto accident

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A co-worker was in a bad auto accident over a year ago. The other driver's tire came off and hit her. Besides surgeries and therapy the bills incurred were well over $185,000. The other woman's insurance co. paid what they could but my co-worker hired a attorney to sue the auto garage that put the tire on two weeks before the accident. Here's the issue. My co-worker filed for bankruptcy sometime recently because of all the bills. Her attorney KNEW about this but advised her not to mention it during mediation. They made a satisfactory offer but the next day told her the deal was off because of the bankruptcy. I feel she got very poor counsel from her attorney. Anything else she can do? The poor woman is in tears. She is a very naive person. Thank you.
Mediation is just that, it does not effect the actual court case. I always adivse full disclosure during mediation. Here I do not see what the BK has to do with it since the trustee would have a claim to the settlement.
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