Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft civil letter address cause problem, please help!

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First of all, I live in Canada. Ealier this March, I was caught shoplifting a 9$ item in a retail store. No police involved, the security checked my ID and wrote down my name and birthday and let me signed an agreement to ban me from entering the store for 3 years. Because I didn't have any id that showes my address, the security just wrote down what I told her. In a panic, I told her an address that is slightly wrong. I changed the street number and post code a little bit, but still very close to the real one. So nothing happened the next two month until today.

Today, I received a letter from a lawfirm from FL,US said that because I ignored the first letter that they sent, now they are asking for 585$ and I have to pay in 20 days! I have never received the first letter, probably because the wrong address. But this second letter sure found its way. I am wondering, since the letter is not a registered letter, how can they assume I ignored their first letter? Why shouldn't I just ignore the second one then? 585$ for a 9$ item? I don't think it's fair! What should I do now? What can they do to me? Should I just ignore them? Please help!
Dude you playing a game that you not only cannot win but dont even know the rules! If you ignore this letter by either not paying or paying orignal amount plan on seeing law firm take further action. that further action can be to sue you for thousands possibly or report back to store you stole from and see if they want to file criminal charges. Whether or not you got first letter is not their problem! they got no payment and are now pressing forward. All this is legal! Pay now it will only get worst
Thanks for answering. But I don't see the logic behind it. I DID NOT received the first letter and I am not playing games, I don't even know how much they were charging the first time.
justregret said:
Thanks for answering. But I don't see the logic behind it. I DID NOT received the first letter and I am not playing games, I don't even know how much they were charging the first time.

You gave them a wrong address, you played the game, you lost, now they want $585. It doesn't matter you never got the 1st letter. Pay the $585 or they'll sue, and garnish your wages.
What is a promissory agreement? I asked if I was being accused of stealing? LP said no but I would recive a bill from Federated Dept. Stores explainig the amount owed and requesting pyment. I did not sign anything, I returned all merchandise as they requested. My story---- I got hired as a Bus. Manager for a vendor, had been sent to a two day training with another manager. I found out she did not know hat she was doing , not to mention it was a waist of time because all I did was sit while she caught on her paper work and signed my new hire paperwork. Anyways so i go back to my store and have to hire new girls in two days, not ever done any HR paperwork. I was just excited to have this job "Business Manager" WOW!! I hire two girls and get thru the paper work mistakes and all, but it gets done. We set store up and then it all happens so fast. We are selling like crazy, business is great. Then i realize I do not know what I should do to track sales, I do not have any procedure books. I contact my District manager who is also new to the job and live in another state. She is emailing this and that. i do not understand then I get notified she no longer is my DM. I have to contact another person and it goes on like that for serveral months. I probably has six DM 's in 4 months. Talk about being confused and my team is a mess, but we keep selling. They keep saying are numbers are great...... Finally we start getting returns and I ask how do we process them. I am told you damage them and testers too. Then I am given Exit passes LP and I ask what these are for. LP says gratis since you are a vendor you sign them when you give your team gratis. I say I thought the company give gratis. LP says no all other vendors use these exit passes and you sign them since your the bus. manager. I ask how is gratis given they said you can use your testers. So time is going by and i damaging returns and testers for counter and gratis for team and for samples for customers who ask. I am told we can sample to customer any time. I even had LP come and get products from my counter. I did not know I was doing anything wrong. I even told my Cosmetic manger I was damaging products for samples and incentive baskets for customers who made purchases. Well after 7months I get a call from LP saying they to speak to me and want to give me an opportunity to explain. I am thinking what did i do and what do i need to explain. They said I was damaging alot of products and cause a huge loss. I explained I have been running the counter like that for serveral months and no one ever told me anything. I told their lp even showed me and my team how to damage products and testers.
I feel like I have been used, The LP ladies are no longer employed ( I only can guess why), my General sales managers denies she new anything ( though she was happy with our huge numbers) , My team says they were only following my instructions. Am I that dumb??? What do I do, LP did not call police and I was instructed I have to pay all loss due to damages for the counter. My Distirict manager says I had orientatin- when I went to that two day training at the other store( that Bus. manager was doing her paperwork) IS THIS RIGHT????
Good job giving the wrong address. It seems like they had no problem finding you, so you might as well pay it. When people give me the wrong info, the police charge them with giving false information.
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