cited with underage person transporting intoxicants. How serious is th


New Member
I am a minor and have been cited with running a red light and underage person transporting intoxicated in motor vehicle. Three other minors were in the car with me. Police found three bottles of vodka in the vehicle in plain view.

I was originally placed under arrest for impaired driving and handcuffed because I "smelled like weed". After being put in the back of the police car for around one hour, the officer read me my Miranda rights and I promptly refused to answer his interrogation questions. He then conducted a mandatory field sobriety test, which I passed. He also asked if I wore contact lenses (I do), and the answer seemed to be a factor into my passing of the test.

I also refused a breathalyzer test.

Two minors in the vehicle were not cited. 1 minor was cited for possession of alcohol.

I have a mandatory court date. Should I be fighting this in court, or should I attempt to have a lawyer resolve the issue so that it does not go to court? I really don't have the funds for a lawyer, but I don't think I qualify for a public defender. At court, can the judge punish me more than the monetary fine for the citation (and the 3 points for the red light violation)? Will this incident be reported to colleges? I am looking towards top colleges.
You need to consult a lawyer. Pronto. Have you spoken with your parents? Do so now.

No report will be sent to every college out there but many schools do run criminal background checks on applicants. Whether this will hurt your chances at your dream school or not is debatable.