Childs Eduction

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My Granddaughter last year got kicked out of school the last l0 days of school. They said it was to many biffs. Most of the biffs she received was from a teacher that did not like her. Students would tell us everyone in the class was talking but she would yell at my granddaughter and send her to the office. She also got biffs for using a phone in the office that she was given permission to, but someone was on hold and she disconnected them. Not by choice. My granddaughter was pregnate. When they kicked her out the doctor gave her an excuse for home schooling, but they didn't give it to her. This school year began and my granddaughter went back to school until the baby was to be born. She was told she couldn't receive home schooling until it was born. She had the baby on sept. 17th and we got a doctors excuse and to this day they haven't given her the home schooling. Others in the school that was pregnate got home schooling before her and they never had there babys yet. My granddraughter was never put on the list for home schooling. A teacher that lives by us offered to school her but the princibale said no. It is time for her to go back to school, but since she has had no lessons done she will be far behind. Can I sue this school system. We have taken this to the princibale and the superentendent and also to the board of education which they told us it was against the law for them to go against the superentendent.:mad: My granddaughter is also a honor student. She has never failed a class except when they kicked her out of school last year they failed her in 2 subjects
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You can contact your state board of education to determine your granddaughter's rights. You might also consider talking with an attorney.

If you are in West Virginia, here's the link for the state BOE:
School Administrator breech confidentiality

Parents seeking advise. A school administrator breeched confidentiality by providing personal information, locating information and an extended invitation to a school event to an individual who identified himself as a biological father with no supportive documentation. That individual who was allowed access to the child by this administrator was physically violent towards the mother in the past and carries a weapon at all times. In addition, that school administrator knew the legal parents of this student and still did not inform the parents about the situation, but admitted to the child he made those arrangements a week prior to the event. As a result, this family is facing total choas, disrupted lives and is currently broken because of this professional poor judgement. Mind you, this individual was never introduced to this child or his younger siblings as a biological father and all the children attend this school district.
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