Cell Phone Charges

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A few months ago I requested a data block on all the phones in our plan. The following month I had more data charges so I called to request it again. They assured me that all phones would be blocked. The next month I received another bill with over $400 worth of data charges. I called again to ask why I was still being charged for services that were supposed to be blocked. The told me whomever I spoke to the first 2 times did not "make a note" of my phone call and I was responsible for all charges. I was basically told that even with the block in effect I should follow my kids around and make sure they were not connecting to the net. Should I be responsible for these charges?
Too late now I know, but you should have asked for a written confirmation of the block request.Since they don't have a record of the call(how convenient for them) I am pretty sure you will be responsible for the charges , since your kids did use the service.

On an entirely different note I would say that since your kid's obviously paid no attention to the fact that they were not to use the data service I would have them pay these charges or take their phones away. The cell phone company has a good argument in that it is your job to police the kids, not theirs.

Getting a written confirmation of the block should keep you from having to pay any charges in the future.
Well actually it was only one kid. My other sons phone was blocked. The request was for all phones to be blocked and 2 were; 2 werent. How that happened I dont know. It was convenient for them I guess. I still had charges on my bill 2 months after the block was "activated". It just doesnt seem fair that they can rip people off month after month and get away with it.
I know. That's why I said how convenient. Once they send you a letter confirmation they can no longer charge you...I bet then they will be sure all phones are blocked!! It's crazy
how they promote all these different things to get the kids to use the web services so they can rack up minutes!!
I contacted them and told them I didnt feel I should be responsible for those charges since they were made after the 2nd attempt to block data. Of course she said she would do some research and call me back. I would like to know of a legal way to get out of my contract without having to pay all those buyout fees.
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