Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Caught shoplifting in Missouri

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New Member
I was caught shoplifting at a Famous-Barr today. I really could've afforded the items, but I was bored out of my mind and mostly toying with the idea. But yeah, long story short, they caught me. I froze up and signed some documents. The one I received a copy of states that I have to pay a Civil Demand claim. The guy who asked me to follow him asked me if I had any questions, but I had a huge lump in my throat and barely said "No." I'm ready to pay this fee, because, well, I did deserve it. But I'm curious as to whether this will go on my permanent record or not. The fee I have to pay is $250, according to the man. I was not officially arrested, but they took my photograph and such... what happens next? Will I be okay if I pay the fine? Please help me, I'm really quite desperate and I'm terrified. I'm partially glad they caught me, but I'm very confused about whats going to happen. Many thanks!

Also, these were not store employees. The famous barr is attached to a mall and the Document I signed says that all questions after the receipt of the letter I will receive should be directed to the Law Offices of Olonoff, Asen & Serebro, LLP.
My friend in Same Situation

Hi one of my friend was in the same situation. They didn't ask him for any fine but they gave him a letter saying some people will ask him for a civil demand but didn't say how much. Did you pay $250 at famous- barr or someone mailed you the letter. We don't know what to do especially my friend has applied for green cards so we don't know if that is going to affect it if u have any info please help.
Missouri's Civil Penalty for Stealing Statute | 570.087

The Missouri statute that provides for a civil penalty for shoplifting is RSMo Section 587.087. I have put a copy of the statute below for you to review.

The payment of the civil penalty in response to the company's demand will not go on or create a criminal record.

How long ago did this happen? Sometimes, store security collects information (a signed confession?) and passes it along to the authorities who later charge you with a crime.

I hope this answers your question.

Missouri Revised Statutes - Chapter 570

Stealing and Related Offenses
Section 570.087 - Effective Date - August 28, 2005

Stealing, civil liability--parent or guardian civilly liable for minor's stealing--conversion of shopping carts, penalty.
570.087. 1. As used in this section, the following terms mean:

(1) "Actual damages", the full retail value of any merchandise which is taken or which has its price altered in a manner described in subsection 2 of this section, plus any proven incidental costs to the owner of the merchandise not to exceed one hundred dollars;

(2) "Mercantile establishment", any place where merchandise is displayed, held or offered for sale either at retail or at wholesale;

(3) "Merchandise", all things movable and capable of manual delivery and offered for sale either at retail or wholesale;

(4) "Unemancipated minor", an individual under the age of eighteen years whose parents or guardian have not surrendered the right to the care, custody and earnings of such individual, and are under a duty to support or maintain such individual.

2. An adult or a minor who takes possession of any merchandise from any mercantile establishment without the consent of the owner, without paying the purchase price and with the intention of converting such merchandise to his own use, or the use of another, or who purchases merchandise after altering the price indicia of such merchandise, shall be civilly liable to the owner for actual damages plus a penalty payable to the owner of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two hundred fifty dollars and all court costs and reasonable attorney fees.

3. The parents or guardian having physical custody of an unemancipated minor, who takes possession of any merchandise from any mercantile establishment without the consent of the owner, without paying the purchase price and with the intention of converting such merchandise to his own use, or the use of another, or who purchases merchandise after altering the price indicia of such merchandise, shall be civilly liable to the owner for actual damages, provided that a parent or guardian shall not be liable if they have not had physical custody for a period in excess of one year.

4. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections 2 and 3 of this section, any person who, without the consent of the owner, takes possession of a shopping cart from any mercantile establishment with the intent to convert such shopping cart to his own use or the use of another shall be civilly liable to the owner for actual damages plus a penalty payable to the owner of one hundred dollars and all court costs and reasonable attorney fees.

5. A conviction under section 570.030 or 570.040 shall not be a condition precedent to maintaining a civil action pursuant to the provisions of this section.

6. No owner or agent or employee of the owner may attempt to gain an advantage in a civil action by threatening to initiate a criminal prosecution pertaining to the same incident.

(L. 1990 H.B. 948)
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