Cash prize question

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: MN, but players for around the world.

I run an online turn based game which has players from around the world. You use your turns to hire units and attack other players. You also have other units that make money for you. It is free for anyone to play, but to be eligible for the cash prize you have to have bought turns. What I am wondering is if I start a progressive cash jackpot, would that be considered gambling? I want to start the prize at say $200 and have it go up from there. Once their has been $200 worth of turns purchase, I would have 50% of the next purchases add to the jackpot.

If that is considered gambling, would having a non-progressive prize be ok? Or do I have to offer the cash prize to all players?

Thanks for any info,
I have no idea what "turns" mean but the bottom line is that attempts to circumvent "games of chance" have been tried for years. If there isn't really a "skill" component (which here appears quite secondary) then you're still left with gambling of some sort. Poker is a game of chance, despite some "skill" involved.
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