Car help


New Member
I just purchased a used vehicle from a car lot.a buy here pay here place on Saturday and within 3 days of Harley using the vehicle the vehicle does not turn over or start and I wish to not proceed with purchasing this vehicle I have our assigned all the legal documents is there anything that I can do to get out of the contract and see about getting my down payment back they said the vehicle as is with no warranty
There is no right of rescission on used cars.

You bought it as is with no warranty. You should have had it checked out by your own mechanic before buying.

I'm afraid you are stuck with it now.
If you don't make the payments you will have a repossession on your record. They can then sell it at auction and you will still be on the hook for the balance. If you no longer want the vehicle you can sell it or trade it in on something else. Check all of the paperwork that you signed. There will be at least one document that you signed that states "sold as-is no warranty." If you are certain that you did not sign any such document, then you might have an out because they are required to have you sign the as is notice.
It could be something as simple as a dead battery. There might not be anything wrong with the car. Try to not complicate the matter. Used cars often require repairs.
That still isn't a big deal if the mechanic is right. It's an unexpected cost, and you should expect more with any used car, but no reason to expect to get out of the purchase agreement.
My dad went through quite a few used cars when we were growing up. By the time I could drive, I just used whatever he let me drive and it was always a used car. My first car I drove was a 79 station wagon that went through both my older brothers. Then he sold that. Then I drove his 80 something buick oldsmobile for a little bit. Then in college I drove the van. We went and got a dodge and the head gaskets blew out on it within a month. So my dad found me, yep, another used car. I think 1984 Pontiac Parissiene. Big ol boat of a car. That was the first car I technically owned after I paid off the loan but the transmission went out on it before I went to basic.

Used cars are going to likely break down at some point because they are *gasp* used. You take the chance when you buy a used car.