car for sale


New Member
My dad died this year and my brother was to sell the truck for my mom who is very ill my brother never brought back the Bill of sales is very ill my brother never brought back the bill of sale for any paperwork in this person's failed to register the truck what can my mom do you to protect herself she called my brother three times a day and he won't answer to any of her phone calls nice guy huh he's an established business man 2
My dad died this year and my brother was to sell the truck for my mom who is very ill my brother never brought back the Bill of sales is very ill my brother never brought back the bill of sale for any paperwork in this person's failed to register the truck what can my mom do you to protect herself she called my brother three times a day and he won't answer to any of her phone calls nice guy huh he's an established business man 2

Mother might want to call the police and ask them to investigate if a crime was committed called conversion.