Cancer patient with harrassing collection calls

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New Member
At the time my cancer diagnosis was made, my insurance was through the International Union of Elevator Constructors. However, when the hair fell out, so did he. It would appear, a few months after my ex-husband's departure, he quit his job of 25 years. Subsequently, there was a period of approximatley three months that I was without health insurance. I applied for Medicaid, which I received, and they went retro for three months. However, not everything was included. I am receiving calls from several collection agencies. I have explained that I am unemployed, awaiting disability and will pay them upon my receipt of disability, however, the calls continue and seem to worsen with threats each time. I have been told that it is illegal for them to continue once I have requested that they stop. Please advise as to whether this is true? With a new diagnosis of recurrent cancer and subsequent treatments, I am just to sick to argue with them. Do I have any recourse? Thanks so much.
If you request that a collection company cease calling you, and they continue anyway, they are violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). The next time they call you, tell them that 1) you have requested they stop calling and 2) you are going to bring a cause of action for violations of the FDCPA. They will not call again. Just make sure you actually say, in clear and plain language, "This is my notice that I do not wish to receive any further phone calls." If you mention the FDCPA, that will almost gaurentee they will mark your file as "DON'T CALL", and the calls will stop.
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