Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Canadian Registered Nurse Charged with bulglary

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New Member
I was arrested and charged with bulglary for 38 dollars of stollen groceries. I am desperate for some advice. If somebody would be so kind as to answer some of my questions and adress my concerns I would greatly appreciate it. I have hired a criminal lawyer by the way. It is also my first offence. They let me out of jail that same night (I think they called it release by my own signature) as long as I agreed to show uo to court in approx. 1 mth. I am currently on a TN VISA for 1 year. This also happened in southern California if that helps.

1. What is likely to happen to me?

2. What is the likelyhood of getting the charges reduced so that this doesn't affect my ability ot work here in the US ( I am a RN) and travel back and fourth b/t here and Canada?

3. How do I get these charges dismissed or expunished?

Your lawyer should have the best advice for local law. However this offense should be a misdemeanor and would not normally --but can-- affect your job. Its not like they are going to revoke your licensed because of a misdemeanor offense. So most likely you show up in court, most of the time for being cooperative they go easy on you anyhow, you may get a small fine and some community services. In order to get the charges dismissed you would have to prove your not guilty, and you can apply to have it expunged but im going to put my money on that not happening.
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