Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication can you be held against your will at rehab?

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New Member
My 18 yr old nephew was checked into a rehab by his father about 60 days. He was told that this was a 30 day program just to get him there. His mother is wanting to go and get him out but the rehab people are telling her she can't do that unless the father and mother agree. This is in the state of texas and he is there willingly. He is in No trouble with the law whatsoever. Can they hold him against his will?/

I know I probably shouldn't answer this, I am not a lawyer, but I don't think a rehab could hold him against his will, as he is 18. The exception being if it is court ordered or is a condition or parole or probation.

It may vary, but I also live in Texas, and that is my understanding.

Good luck
One other thought though, if he is there willingly, and his father wants him to be there, why would mom want to get him out? Perhaps it is a good thing to help him with whatever his problems may be.
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