can this judgment be enforced?

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New Member
Just received a revival of a judgment that is against my husband for a large sum of money that a company has against him. When the judgment was first rendered in 2003 he was incarcerated and he was not present in civil court. However, his attorney was present and in the court minutes he stated he wanted my husband to sign off on the judgment and the judge said absolutely.
My husband has never signed off on this judgment. Is this a legal judgment?


If you've got a judgment, it's a judgment of the court. I am guessing that there was some agreement made in court which your husband was supposed to supposed to sign/give consent. His signature or consent might be necessary in order to finalize some agreement of compromise. If he doesn't sign off there may be other consequences, e.g. the settlement agreed upon will not be in effect. The way you tell the story, I am wondering whether your husband's attorney agreed that it was a reasonable deal and wanted your husband to consent, but he did not. Without knowing more, that's the best I can do. The documents require review.
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