Can I take one of two Tenants off a lease without written permission?

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New Member
I have an unmarried couple as tenants, both on the lease. The female has moved out and is not paying rent. The male tenant has continued to pay the full rent and wants to stay. I would like to tear up the current lease and have him resign a new one on his own, but she has been unreachable. I have not been able to get her approval to do this. Do I need her approval? She has been out of the house since July and he has been paying solely since then. He changed the locks, but she recently climbed in through a window and took some money. He has been told that he is unable to press breaking and entering charges since she is still on the lease. So there are many reasons to take her off the lease for my good and my tenants. Please advise.
You can take her off the lease if she has quit the property. Take her off. Send a notice to her last known address (your property). You should be fine.
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