Can I sue Lehman for holding my records over a balanced that has been paid?

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New Member
Lehman college claims I owe them 5000 but I paid that with student loans and only have a 200 balance because I was missinformed of what my balance was! By the way, they lost all records so they cant prove I owe them money nor that I did pay it! They wont clear the stop and I cant get my transcript or diploma to apply for jobs in my field. Its been 5 mnths and they wont work a solution out. I have to come up with the records (receipt, bank statements since loan was deposited in my account,etc) I want to sue them for false allegations, wasting my time, claiming Im a lier! (I have a receipt for a grant and 3900 payment of the 5000 balance)
Suing them would probably be a waste of time - what would your monetary damages be? I think your best course of action would probably be sending them a letter via a certified method, e.g. proof of mailing, mail plus fax. Just get that part done and let the rest be their problem, stating that you will not hesitate to sue them if they prevent you from employment opportunities and cause other damages as a result of their failure to keep their own records. If someone stated that they lost your records, I'd put that in my letter to, confirming the date of the conversation and all the details you can remember. It will document that you were told that they have no records and refuse to acknowledge payments that were made because of their own negligence. If they report non-payment to a credit bureau, then you might have a reason to file a claim (and that still typically isn't worth the effort, unfortunately, except to compel them to clean up the mess.) On occasion I have found it helpful to report matters like this to a government agency that regulates the agency or entity that is giving you a problem. I might take that remedy in the event that the certified letter method doesn't work. Good luck and I hope things work out for you.
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