Can I get a security deposit back if I have not signed a lease?

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New Member
Hi All - I hope you can provide some guidance. My roommate and I submitted a rental application for our first house along with a security deposit (to be refunded if we were not approved). We were accepted as potential tenants and told that the lease would be presented to us within the week. Despite this promise, it has now been 6 weeks since that date, we are suppose to move in in less than a month, and still no lease. Moreover, the landlord has become uncooperative in my attempts to contact her to see what is going on. If I no longer want to rent from this landlord, what are my options/ is the landlord legally obligated to return the full amount of the security deposit (one months rent)? Any advice would be appreciated!
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You should read everything, then determine what to do next.
You should also investigate the landlord.
Many crooks pose as landlords, just to steal deposits.
So, read everything.
If you have nothing in writing, you're probably out f everything.
If you suspect you've Ben ripped off, you should report this to the police.
If the LL is legitimate, but refuses to call the deal off and return your money; small claims court is all you have left.
Even if you prevail, should you seek a small claim court action, collecting a judgment is 1,000 times harder than obtaining a judgment.
Be advised, most people never collect a dollar after obtaining a judgment.
Renting homes these days can be very risky.
Always investigate your potential landlord, just as that potential landlord investigates potential tenants.
Good luck.
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