Can I evict my ex's kid

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New Member
My ex husband and I own a home together which is now for sale per our divorce agreement. He had his adult kid move in with us (against my will, he's a drug addict and a total slob) He is not paying any rent (to me or his dad) and brought drugs into the house the first week he was there. My ex just makes excuses for him and tells me it's none of my business. He was arrested a couple of weeks ago, after I came home and found him almost unconcious laying in a pool of vomit, with his drugs and paraphenalia laying out on my coffee table. The police told me I should stay somewhere else, it wasn't safe for me there because he could come back to the house and his dad was mad because I called the police. I want to know if I can evict him since the house is also in my name. I'm afraid the house will never sell if he continues to live there. It was horrifying thinking someone could have come to view the house and would have found him half naked laying in vomit. Help !
Well technically as long as dad allows him to stay there, he can. You can try to throw him out (I would too) but if he runs to an attorney, you are probably in violation because you still may need to legally evict him. I would serve him right now. If he is taking drugs and bringing that stuff into your home, I would not tolerate it either.
Q: Can I evict my ex's kid?

A: Yes; use your state's landlord tenant laws. Actually, I'd just change the locks and put his stuff on the stoop.
You need to leave the property - go stay with friends or relatives and let your ex handle son.....son should be in jail or rehab....jail is cheaper
My ex has now moved his 1st wife into the house. She is a 2 time felon, that has been in prison for running meth labs. According to the ex, she would never work and just leached off people that would support her. He now says she's staying there to keep an eye of the kid. Great idea don't you think, the crack whor is going to watch the heroin addict. All that aside, I finally got all of my things out of the house and just found out yesterday that someone (I'm thinking it's the 1st wife) stole all of my kids baby things out of my cedar chest. My son and I went to move it and it was completely empty. I know if I call the police again it will just be my word against his. There was really no value to any of the things except to me. None of it can be replaced. I'm getting really discouraged that this can happen in my own house and there is nothing I can do.
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