Can I do anything?

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New Member
This is small and petty but I'm rather upset about the situation and lack of customer service that I received. I have been a customer of AT&T (Cingular)wireless for about 3 years and have had decent service for the most part until now. I was online browsing phones just for fun when I had a "tech rep" chat window pop up, long story short, I knew I was not eligible for upgrade on a phone but this person assured me I could get the discounted price if I started a new account and then had it all transfered to my old account (I kept this chat as proof that I was told this). Today I received the phone and when I called to transfer my phone they said that this couldn't be done and basically if I wanted to keep the new phone I would have to have two accounts or I could return it and get a new one for full price. They then suggested I go to the nearest retail store to have them give me a discount for my troubles, when I went to the store they too said I could only pay full price for my phone if I wanted a new one since I was not eligible for upgrade yet. I showed them the print out of the chat but they just put it to the side and said I should call customer service (who I spoke with and got sent to the store) to get something done. I just want the phone now and I don't want to pay full price when I was promised the package deal that is advertised and I have proof that I was promised this. Is there anything I can do about this legally? Thank you for your help in advance.
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