Can I be sued for not refunding money after a service was completed?



New Jersey
I own a small business and was brought a job to replace a part on a vehicle. The customer gave a $400 deposit for me to tow his vehicle from his home to my shop. I completed the tow, but he decided to have it towed by another company to have the job completed cheaper at another shop. Our towing policy is, if I fix your vehicle you will not be charged for the tow, and if someone else fixes it you are charged for the tow. I refunded $340 out of $400 because I charged him $60 for the tow (which is usually $80 but I cut him a break). Can I be sued for not refunding his full amount?
You can be sued (anyone can sue anyone else at any time for just about anything) but that doesn't mean the customer will win. Since you did do the tow, "sounds like" you would win - up to the judge. Do you have a written contract with your tow procedure etc,?