Can adult legally terminate parental and sibling ties?

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As pathetic or coldhearted as it may seem, I was wondering if it would be possible to legally "detach" myself from my parents and brother. After years of neglect and abuse, I do not see why I should still be legally bound to these people. I know as an adult(37), I know i am not obligated to any one. For some reason, I want to something "legal" that says I am not their daughter/sister.

I would especially like to put their minds at ease (not out of kindness) that when they die, my brother can have everything, I do not want anything.

I am a single (divorced) mom of 2. They have never met their grandfather, only my son has met my brother. They have only had a semi-relationship with their grandmother. She was willing to put my son at risk by going with him to visit my brother out of state, who at the time was under investigation by FBI for being a purveyor of child pornography, over nine months ago. When I refused to let him go she decided I was "crazy" and he was not "that way" and we haven't spoken since, by her request.

I should also note my brother and I were raised separately. Me with my mother in NYC and he with my father in OR. In 1978 I was "kidnapped" from a summer visitation at my father's. He was contacted in 1987 by my shrink when I attempted suicide. We spoke for one day. One year later, at 17, my mother decided she was wrong and sent me out there. I decided to leave. I spoke to him once, on my son's first birthday in 1994.

Meanwhile, I hadn't seen or heard from my brother who is six years older from 1978 through 1999. My mother hadn't either and finally found him through the Air Force. I have hardly spoken to him since (not at all when FBI thing started).

And through all of this, I seem to be the constant source of their misery (because I point out what's wrong). So if I can legally - FOREVER - release myself from ANY familial relations and duties, etc. thereby releasing them too, I think I will find the permanence....mobilizing.
Q: As pathetic or coldhearted as it may seem, I was wondering if it would be possible to legally "detach" myself from my parents and brother.

A: No.
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