Can a U.S. citizen own an online casino?

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New Member
Can a U.S. citizen legally own an online casino if it's hosted offshore?

Would you be able to get a local citizen of the offshore country to "front" for you in a corporation?

Does anyone know if it's not legal what the penalty would be for an American citizen to be found to be the owner of an internet gaming site?

Thank you for your advice in advance.
This is a very complex question and can't be answered with a few lines in this forum. There are so many individual facts, e.g. country, licensing, etc. that need to be answered before this question could be approached to be answered properly. As you know, there are significant laws that prohibit your running or owning an online casino, state and federal. Whether or not you can invest in a company that also runs an online casino in another country and is properly licensed is another question that can only be answered on the facts.
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