can a prayer for judgement be switchd to another case?

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New Member
A couple of months ago, i received a speeding ticket for going 34 in a 25. I used my prayer for judgement when i went to court, not fully knowing my options, because it was my first ticket. I later found out that, the ticket wouldnt even go against my insurance. Anyways a couple days ago I got another ticket for "running a red light". the light turned red once i had already entered, but anyways i was wondering if i could swictch my prayer for judgement to the red light case, since my speeding ticket wont affect my insurance, i talked to a woman in the district attourneys office and she said i could use a motion for appropriate release? if anyone could give me some advice on that, it'd be great, i live in raleigh north carolina
I have recieved several red light tickets (all on right turns on red with no oncoming traffic, I apparently didn't stop enough, I didn't just blow through a light.) Anyway every time I have had them reduced to a city code violation (in Greenville) which doesn't even show up as a traffic violation on your driving record. You may need a laywer to pull this off, but this is one case where it's well worth the money.
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