Can a collection Agency get into a joined account?

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I'm trying to find out if a collection agency can get in a joined account with out an order from a judge. I have an old debt since 1999 and am very worried. I tried a payment plan of $75 but they weren't willing to accept no lower than $200, I recently got my moneyorder back. Is this allowed? I also mailed in a Validation this week since its a very old account. I don't even know if these people have entered a judgement. Just signed today for a second card holder/joined account with my boyfriend. Should I cancel it or still have my account open?
you can try opening up a money market account or some sort of account where your boyfriend is the main signerthe account and you being a beneficiary. For the same reason, I had it done, where my son is a beneficiary on my money market account. I've had my account for 5 years without a problem...
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