Can a collection agency add me on my ex husbands judgement?

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New Member
I just found out that my ex husband wrote a bad check back in 1999 in Washington State. We divorced in 1998, same state. I have never used the bank he was writing checks on. His name was the only name on the check.

He did not pay, and the matter went to a collection agency and then finally an attorney. The matter was settled in 2001 when the attorney went after his savings account.
The only way I found out about this was when I found it on my recent credit report. Also, it shows up when a background check was done for me.

I can clean up my credit report, but I don't know what to do about a NSF check thing showing up on a background check for employment.

I contacted the attorney for the collection agency. He admitted my name was no where to be found on the check. They pulled my social security number and guessed I was still married to my ex. They claim they had the right to enter my name on the lawsuit.

Do I have a right to file a complaint against the collection agency and lawyer? I never received any paperwork, court hearing, complaint, or bill.

They claim because the matter was settled and because it was so old (resolved in 01) that all evidence was destroyed.

Do I have a right to file a complaint against the collection agency and lawyer for including me in a lawsuit when I was already divorced?
Can I get my record cleared?

Thank you~
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