By-Laws for Women's Club

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New Member
We are a not for profit Women's Club in a HOA. Last month the Association Board presented the Women and Men's Club revised by-laws that neither clubs officers or member were informed about. Our Women's Club by-laws do state that our by-laws are to be voted on by a majority vote of the members. The problem areas in the changes are that they are requiring a minimun of 2 audits a year (we have about $2000 in our treasury) and requiring the treasure and secretary to attend both the civic and board meeting and give reports. They also changed the term of office to 1 year instead of 2. There is nothing in the Association by-laws the say anything about them having the power to change ours. I had been on the board of directors for 4 years and never had anything like this happen. The current board wants to have complete control over everything. Do they have the right to change our by-laws?
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