buying home from owner in sc

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: south carolina

Im buying a mobile home and land in aiken sc, owner finnancing and have been there for 4 years. When I bought the place I put down $4000.00, we do have a contract but owner has not followed contract. Now after 4 years owner wants to come inspect home and land, I must let him becouse its in contract that he will inspect property evrey 6 month, but this will be the first time after 4 years. My fear is that owner will not approve of the shape of property and will try to evict my family. I have keep up on all payments keep homeowners Ins on the place, and pay the taxes on the home and land. I have treated it like my home, yes there are some repairs that need done , but I have done some too. Plase tell me what rights I have, I have $26.000 thousand invested in my home. If owner does evict can I get any of my money back. Please help ASAP

Thank you scaik03
I am unclear on your question.

What is it that you want to know?
Attached are the main reasons for eviction in South Carolina...

The most common reason for eviction is, of course, failure to pay rent (or in your case, mortgage payments) to the landlord/owner.

Unless you've let the place run down to the point where it's now considered an unhealthy place of residence, there's likely no reason why you should be evicted.

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