Consumer Law, Warranties business contract

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New Member
hello, i am a gas station located in burbank CA, and i wanted to switch over my gasoline distibution companies becasue i feel like I can get bettter service, and relief then i am getting now....the distribution company boss is saying that he wont release me from his accounts therefore it is illegal and unlawful for me to sign with any other company before the contract is i look through the contract i have there is no place where there is a given time for service with eachtother, and the only thing stated is that i the buyer have to pay off all my outstanding balance in the account......i can get the written contract for exact writing
I don't know what the contract states but if the terms state that you aren't prevented doing what you wish, you could be right. Do you believe everything you hear? :D How many times has a seller told you something that wasn't exactly representative of the truth? However, I would be careful that the writing states what you think it does and glad to state what we can from what you paste (although there may be other areas in the contract that could address this issue.)
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