Builder Error

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New Member
I purchased my home on June 13, 2007. Since then I have made numerous attempts to have the builder repair some of the problems with my house. For example, a window was cracked in one of the bedrooms when we purchased the house and the builder said that he would replace it when he ordered windows for the next home he was building. Of course he never replaced it. There are other problems, but one of the main problems we are having is with the kitchen cabinets. When we bought the home the cabinets were advertised as custom, but were incomplete when we bought the home. We lived in North Carolina and were moving to Georgia. We visited and put an offer on this house even though it wasn't completed. This was March of 2007 and when we moved in June 2007 the house still wasn't completed. All of our belongings were in transit and we were told the house would be completed. We had to move in or face fees for storing our belongings. Once we moved in, the cabinets started falling apart. The screws came out and some of the doors actually fell off. After we investigated further we discovered that the cabinets were made out of particle board. When we had someone from Lowes come and give us an estimate to fix the cabinets he would not touch them. He said that they were not framed and Lowes would not do anything with them. He also said that it would cost around $15,000 to replace them. We have really expensive coutertops and we would also lose them in the process of replacing the cabinets. Is the builder responsible for the replacement of the cabinets? How do we go about handling this situation? I do not have a lot of money. I am a school teacher and I have four children. Do I have a case?
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