BS changing lanes ticket given by cops

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New Member
One more question and thank you everyone. I got a "BS TICKET" --- you know what I mean. ;) Cops stopped me after we went through a stretch of road that had the lanes painted over. I was having a very hard time with following the road as the highway wasn't so packed and it was at night. I got pulled over. There were a couple of cars there. I think they were pulling over cars for the same offense and this is just a big scam. What can I plead? What should I do to defend myself?
Go back and take photos.
Look up the violation you were cited for to see if it fits the situation.
Be prepared to argue why the citation was inappropriate and use photos to show the lanes were not clearly marked.
Stay with this guys, you're helipng a lot of people.
Until I found this I thgouht I'd have to spend the day inside.
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