Bringing a State Civil Billion Dollar Claim

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New Member
I have a civil suit that I filed in the US District Court. It went to the US Supreme Court and was denied. I am wondering if I could file in State Circuit Court and as well file criminal charges on the State and Federal level. The case was against AOL and owner Ted Turner for having stole my invention of founding Internet construct principles back in 1991 such as link, browsing and multi-page window based portals. At the same time Microsoft came out that piggybacked off the idea and created that same year a window interface for the desktop, the first of its kind, windows 3.1.
LOL, thanks Judge. That's hilarious.

That article, using a popular search engine, claims someone else invented the web. There are many other ideas that also translated into the web, e.g. Hypercard (if you used Macs back in the day) amongst others. Plus, you may be barred by the Statute of Limitations I've given you one state as an example and the principles are relatively near to that one.
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