breach of contact????

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New Member
I purchased a 2006 Sonta, at the time of sale, I noticed that there was a squeaking sound in the right front passenger side. Prior to signing the contact, I had the dealer put in writing on the contact that they would repair this issue. Now after 4 attempts by the dealership to correct the problem, they are telling me that there is nothing that can be done about the noise. The mechanic says that since it is an older car that it is probly "body noise"????? and that i have to live with that. It has almost been 11 months that I have been dealing with this. Is there anything that I can do about this??? Please Help!!!
I purchased a 2006 Sonta, at the time of sale, I noticed that there was a squeaking sound in the right front passenger side. Prior to signing the contact, I had the dealer put in writing on the contact that they would repair this issue. Now after 4 attempts by the dealership to correct the problem, they are telling me that there is nothing that can be done about the noise. The mechanic says that since it is an older car that it is probly "body noise"????? and that i have to live with that. It has almost been 11 months that I have been dealing with this. Is there anything that I can do about this??? Please Help!!!

Yes, there is something that can be done to PREVENT these annoyances.
If you are contemplating purchasing ANYTHING, the time to request the fix is PRIOR to signing the contract and forking over your cash.
Unfortunately after the fact, as in your example, the only recourse you have (if you and the seller later disagree) is to take the seller to court.
Alas, in many cases that occurs too late, or no remedy exists under which you can seek relief.
Thanks for your response. In my ignorance, I thought that having them put it in writing that they would repair the issue would be my assurance that the problem would be handled.
It sounds like they promised something that they intended to deliver( 4 times they tried), but later found out they can't. You could ask them for some monetary compensation, but I don't know how you would put a value on it. Now if you can find another mechanic who IS able to fix the problem, then in good faith the dealership should reimburse you for that repair. After 11 months I don't think you're going to get the dealership to let you out of your contract. You might be able to trade the vehicle if the noise really bothers you.
Is the squeak high or low in the front right side? If it is high it is likely the top of the strut mount. If it is low, it is likely the rubber sway bar bushing has dried out and needs to have the retainer removed, the bushing lubricated and the retainer re-tightened. This squeak appears common on 2006 Sonatas.
You might see if another body shop/mechanic has an idea as to what the problem is & if they think they can correct it. If they don't think they can fix it either, you are probably out of luck. If they believe they can fix it, you can have them do so but you might have a problem getting any reimbursement from where you bought the vehicle.
You could ask them for some monetary compensation, but I don't know how you would put a value on it. Now if you can find another mechanic who IS able to fix the problem, then in good faith the dealership should reimburse you for that repair. After 11 months I don't think you're going to get the dealership to let you out of your contract. You might be able to trade the vehicle if the noise really bothers you.??

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