Boyfriend problems (so to speak)

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New Member

My boyfriend, 17, and I met in State X almost 8 years ago, and are currently in a long distance relationship. He resides in State Y, and I live in State Z. We want to move in together, but I had just found out that the place we had set our sights on required him to either be 18, which he won't be until November, or require him to be under my guardianship or be emancipated. It is most crucial, due to the environment he is currently living in, that he moves out upon graduation of high school in June. so:

It is to my understanding that if we get married, he will then be considered emancipated. Is this true, and would it require us to get married in North Carolina since he lives there currently, or would we be able to get married in Florida and have him still be considered of emancipated status? Would the marriage license be required to be issued in Florida? If so, what are acceptable forms of consent from the parents if they are not able to make it to Florida to give consent required in person?

I also read about guardianship and many sites talked about how it occurs in regards to mentally ill minors. Would I be able to get guardianship of him for the sake of him being a non-mentally retarded minor who wants to become financially responsible for himself as a result of living with his girlfriend?

All help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
How old are you?

Are you saying that when you met he was 9? Are you prepared to face charges for, shall we say, an inappropriate relationship with a minor?
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