Bought a used truck with warranty but after driving off thelot problem

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I bought a truck from Subaru with a 2 yr 30,000 mile warranty put 2000 down without test driving it. Drove it off the lot within 24 hrs noticed a serious problem called the death wobble common In dodge trucks it's a extremely violent shaking feels like the whole truck is going to fall apart. We believe the dealership knew of this issue because of how eager they were to get us to buy it. We cAlled them the very next day they said drive it a few more days n see if it gets worse and it did a lot worse being it's our first time buying a used car what are our options can we ask for a refund, trade for another truck?
Your options may be limited to what you and the dealer can work out, but you can always ask to back out or trade for another vehicle. Check your paperwork and you should have signed an "as is" document. You mention a 2yr warranty, so you may have signed an "as is, except for what the 2yr warranty covers." They will probably ask you to bring it to the shop and see if they can fix the problem under warranty.
I bought a truck from Subaru with a 2 yr 30,000 mile warranty put 2000 down without test driving it. Drove it off the lot within 24 hrs noticed a serious problem called the death wobble common In dodge trucks it's a extremely violent shaking feels like the whole truck is going to fall apart. We believe the dealership knew of this issue because of how eager they were to get us to buy it. We cAlled them the very next day they said drive it a few more days n see if it gets worse and it did a lot worse being it's our first time buying a used car what are our options can we ask for a refund, trade for another truck?

You chose NOT to test drive the rattling bucket of bolts, and have the vehicle of shaking death vetted by your mechanic.

I don't see much room for you, other than to beg the dealer to work with you.
Here is an excellent picture on the parts to check to fix your mistake. The hardest one it took me to research was the 99 bonneville vibration. Turns out the factory front struts and partially adjustable front end led to a vibration in about 10% of them. The solution was to replace the struts. the new ones had about 200#s more resistance in each.
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You can see what the dealership "might" do for you & read your warranty. You really should have test driven the vehicle & possibly had it checked by your mechanic before purchasing it.
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